Ichetucknee Springs State Park
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. until sundown 365 days a year
Driving Directions: From the north, take I-75 south to exit 423. Take SR 47 south, turn on CR 238 and
follow the park signs. From the south, take I-75 north to exit 399. Take US 441 north to the city of High Springs.
Take US 27 north to Ft. White, stay on US 27 north approximately 4 miles to the South Park Entrance.
Park Fees: Admission Fee (no river use) - $5.00 per vehicle (limit 8 people per vehicle). Single Car
Occupant - $3.00
Motorcycle Fee (one or two persons) - $3.00
Canoeing Fee: $5.00 per person year round.
Tubing Fee: North Entrance - Summer Season (Begins the Saturday before Memorial Day through Labor
Day)- $5 per person (children 5 and under free).
South Entrance - Summer Season (Begins the Saturday before Memorial Day through Labor Day)- $5 per person
(children 5 and under free).
South Entrance - Off-Season (Begins the Tuesday after Labor Day thru the Friday before Memorial Day) - $5
per vehicle (limit 8 people per vehicle).
Ichetucknee Springs State Park
12087 S.W. US Hwy 27
Fort White, Florida 32038
Phone: 386-497-4690
Official park website: http://www.floridastateparks.org/ichetuckneesprings/
